Dasher Pay

What you make as a Dasher depends on where, how much, and what time of day you choose to earn. Here is an overview of how Dasher pay works, along with tools to help you track and increase your earnings so you can meet your goals.

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How much can I earn?

Dx - Earn - Base Pay (New)

Base Pay

You’ll always earn Base Pay for any offer accepted on DoorDash. Base Pay is calculated based on the estimated time, distance, and desirability of the offer.

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Plus Tips

Customers using DoorDash can tip you anytime you choose to accept an offer — and most offers include a tip. You’ll always receive 100% of the customer tips received by DoorDash.

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Plus Promotions

Promotions like Peak Pay, Challenges, and Delivery Streaks help you earn more.

  • Peak Pay pays you more per delivery or task.

  • Challenges let you earn extra money for completing a certain number of deliveries or tasks in a set amount of time

  • Delivery Streaks allow Dashers to earn extra money by accepting and completing offers consecutively while on a dash when the promotion is in effect.

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Track your Earnings

The Dasher app shows earning opportunities near you and tracks what you make.

Open the app and tap "Earnings" to see what you make on a particular day, to cash out your earnings with Fast Pay, or to view your Earnings History.

Make the most of your dash

Plan your dashing around mealtimes, weekends, sporting events, and late nights.

After logging in to dash, tap "Promos" to find Peak Pay opportunities near you. If you don’t get an offer immediately, head toward popular restaurants.

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Get Paid


You’ll automatically get paid every week with a direct deposit to your bank account.


Dashers can select Fast Pay to get earnings once per day for a small fee. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Dasher pay is made up of three parts: base pay, customer tips, and Promotions. Promotions give you extra money for certain offers at certain times.

As a driver delivering with DoorDash, you'll often see Promotions in your Dasher app, which are extra ways to earn more. You can find Dasher Promotions by tapping ‘Promos’ in the Dasher app.

To find offers near you, look for Hotspots in your Dasher app. They’re the parts of your map that are marked red.

Drivers delivering with DoorDash are paid weekly via a secured direct deposit to their personal bank account — or via no-fee daily deposits with DasherDirect (U.S. Only). Dashers in the U.S. and Canada can withdraw their earnings once daily with Fast Pay ($1.99 per transfer). Dashers in Australia can withdraw their earnings once daily with Fast Pay (no fee per transfer).

To see your Dasher earnings, open your Dasher app and tap Earnings.

Customers using DoorDash can tip you anytime you choose to accept a delivery — and most deliveries include a tip. You’ll always receive 100% of the customer tips received by DoorDash.