
Celebrating DoorDash Delivery Drivers as Our Heroes

To celebrate the folks who deliver with DoorDash, we teamed up with Marvel to create The Dashers, a one-of-a-kind comic book that illustrates Dashers’ heroic roles in their local communities and their personal pursuits.

4 min read

Every day, Dashers hustle to bring people the best of their neighborhood, all while pursuing their own passions and earning on their terms. Delivering local favorites to neighbors is an act of heroism in and of itself — and customer compliments attest to that — but Dashers are heroes in countless other ways, too.

To celebrate Dashers, we teamed up with Marvel to create The Dashers, a one-of-a-kind comic book that illustrates Dashers’ heroic roles in their local communities and their personal pursuits. 

The comic book tells a story of four Dashers who save the city of Dashville with a unique blend of independence, ingenuity, and flexibility, all while pursuing their life goals and delivering for their communities. 

The four Dashers you’ll meet in the comic — Remi, Julia, Andrew, and Ernesto — are all superheroes in their own right who use dashing to provide for their families and support their passions. Just like real-life Dashers, the comic book superheroes accomplish so much in their time off the road, from starting their businesses to funding their college education. Read on to learn who they are and what makes them special.

Dx Character-Remi action


Superpower: Supernatural Elasticity

Remi is a line cook who dashes on the side to save up to start an empire of food trucks. She can literally stretch to reach her goals and defeat evil by manipulating trillions of super elastic and indestructible muscle cells. Dashing means she can excel at her day job and earn enough to pursue her bigger dreams.

Dx Character-Julia action


Superpower: Omnireplication

Julia is a mother of two, a loving wife, and an astute problem-solver, who dashes for the flexibility to balance all of her priorities. She can instantly and perfectly replicate and recombine when she wants, so she can actually be in multiple places at once. Dashing is a way of life for Julia, and is the primary means of providing for her family.

Dx Character-Andrew action


Superpower: Technokinesis

Andrew is a tech-savvy college student and avid gamer who understands technology better than he gets his peers, and he dashes to pay for tuition and other school expenses. His technokinesis allows him to tap into nearby tech, communicate with them, and manipulate, operate, or disengage machines remotely. Dashing gives him the flexibility to finish his degree while earning money on his terms.

Dx Character-Ernesto action


Superpower: Superhuman Strength

Ernesto is a semi-retiree and the strongest septuagenarian known to humankind, who dashes to experience his neighborhood and make extra cash to buy gifts for his grandchildren, his nietos. His super strength means he can lift thousands of pounds without thinking twice, and can take down enemies with the force of a massive vehicle.

The stories and characters in the comic book were inspired by, and created for, real-life Dashers. Here’s a closer look at real-life superheroes and the paths to their many accomplishments.

dx_Influencers ALL blog

Dashing helps me make my own schedule and save up for the clothing business that I plan to start. 12k deliveries in, and I can’t imagine returning to a traditional job.

-Bentley K.

Dashing gave me the opportunity to try something new. I enjoy exploring my community and making people happy by delivering their favorite food.

-Gabriel R.

With all the free time between my college classes, I figured I could make some extra cash. Dashing gives me unmatched flexibility and the perfect side hustle.

-Eli E.

I love the freedom and flexibility I get from dashing. I can start the day delivering for a few hours, and  then have the whole afternoon to do as I please.

-Tamarius W.

When I’m not dashing, I’m managing my e-commerce store or enjoying the outdoors with my husband. Dashing gives me the freedom to pursue my other passions.

-Brianna I.

Dashing is all about moving from door to door. But it’s also about opening doors to the future. If you’re looking to say “It’s payback time” to your bills, or to be a driving force for good in your neighborhood, then dashing is the perfect gig for you. Become a Dasher, activate super you, and get the earnings you can count on. 


